"He who serves his fellows is of his fellows greatest"


What's New:

February Turtle Tales

 Editor: George Dean

Lodge History

by Tony Smee for Centennial Project

About Us

This is Anpetu-We Lodge, an Order of the Arrow Lodge of the Boy Scouts of America. It is found in the Greater St. Louis Area Council. We are one of four lodges in this council and our area is specifically Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois. 


Upcoming Events:

What is The Order of the Arrow


The Order of the Arrow was founded by Dr. E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson in 1915 at the Treasure Island Camp of the Philadelphia Council, Boy Scouts of America.  It became an official program experiment in 1922 and was approved as part of the Scouting program in 1934.  In 1948 the OA, recognized as the BSA's national brotherhood of honor campers, became an official part of the Boy Scouts of America.  In 1998, the Order of the Arrow became recognized as Scouting's National Honor Society when it expanded its reach beyond camping to include broader service to Scouting and the community.


The mission of the Order of the Arrow is to fulfill its purpose as an integral part of the Boy Scouts of America through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.

What is a Lodge?

An OA lodge helps the local Boy Scout council provide a quality Scouting program through recognition of Scouting spirit and performance, development of youth leadership and service, promotion of Scout camping and outdoor programs, and enhancement of membership tenure.  Every Boy Scout council is encouraged to have an Order of the Arrow lodge. Each lodge operates under a charter granted by the National Council, BSA, and must apply annually for its renewal.  The Boy Scouts of America will grant a charter to only one lodge per council.

*from http://www.oa-bsa.org/misc/basics/